Upcoming Events

Discipleship Training

Click HERE to register.

College Check-in

Men’s Conference


Scan QR Code or Click HERE to register.

HBCU College Fair

Click HERE to register.

Corporate Prayer

Pickle Parade

Sunday Worship On Air

Bibles & Basketball

Bethlehem Baptist Church of Mansfield Texas Gym is open on Monday nights at 7pm for high school and up.  Come out and have a great time ballin’ with our youth and children’s minister, Rev. Troy Dicks.

If you want to attend on any given Monday night, please register (click here) by Friday of each week.

House of Bread Food Pantry

The Bethlehem Baptist Church’s House of Bread Food Pantry is open on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. to serve the needs of our community and surrounding counties. If your family is in need, drive through and you will be served.

For those who would like to help with donations to supply on Sunday, please review the following grocery list.